Hymn Within Scott Hiltzik

Hymn Within 
Release Date: 2019

New concert music for flute and piano, lyrical and intelligent, exquisitely performed.
Gordon Halligan- flute, Scott Hiltzik- composer, piano

sound the bells

Sound The Bells!
Release Date: 2011

The Bay Brass recording of new works for brass by American composers, was nominated for a Grammy award in 2012. This rousing and moving recording showcases the work of John Williams, Michael Tilson Thomas, Morten Lauridsen, Bruce Broughton, Kevin Puts and Scott Hiltzik. Scott’s piece, Spirals, was conducted by Charles Floyd.

Release Date: 2010

Pianist Elina Christova can be heard on this exciting new release of melodic, intelligent, and ravishingly played new piano music by Scott Hiltzik.

last day home

Last Day Home
Release Date: 2007 

Melodic, intelligent and achingly beautiful solo piano works that reflect life’s many shades. Intimate performances by composer.

all the world is sleeping

All the World is Sleeping
Release Date: 2000

This classic collection of Scott Hiltzik’s original lullabies for piano also features his arrangements of beautiful melodies from around the world. Not only for children.

celtic nocturnes

Celtic Nocturnes
Release Date: 1998 

Timeless melodies of the legendary Irish bard and harper Turlough O’Carolan, arranged with sophisticated harmonies and engaging rhythms by Hiltzik. Ancient tradition and contemporary sensibility blend seamlessly in these romantic compositions for solo piano.

Thoughts of Home | by Hiltzik, Buscema, Poree
Release Date: 2007 

An intimate and warm Christmas collection featuring Scott Hiltzik, vocalist Helena Buscema, and guitarist Greg Poree. Traditional carols and original compositions are included in this acoustic set that blends jazz, classical, folk, and pop.

House of Games
Release Date: 2005 

A refreshing set of original works by the contemporary jazz quartet. Featuring Scott Hiltzik, guitarist Brad Rabuchin, bassist Trey Henry and drummer Dave Tull.

To view Scott’s music scores, tap here.

Online Lessons Available